Historical Archive

Archivo histórico

Part of the EEA Historical Archive, made up of the administrative and scientific documents in the form of texts and photographs generated by the institution since its foundation in 1932 until the early eighties, is conserved at the Library. This historically valuable documentation is currently being organized, classified and catalogued. Access, however, remains restricted.

Historical Archive documentation is only accessible in very exceptional, duly justified and previously authorized cases. It is a prerequisite to send a written request to the electronic address: bibrabearrobacsic.es justifying the consultation and obtaining the pertinent authorization.
The digitization of part of this documentation has allowed its presentation at events and exhibitions organized by the CSIC Library and Archive Network and other institutions (See Library Dissemination)

Digitized documents are available at Simurg. CSIC´s libraries and archives digitized heritage


CSIC Archives Network Regulations

CSIC Library and Archives Network Regulations on Consultation (Spanish)
Document Reproduction and Digitization Service
Request Form (PDF)
Access to CSIC Archives catalogue

Also available in - También disponible en Spanish (Español)

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