The Library

Biblioteca de la Escuela de Estudios Árabes

Since its creation in 1932, the Library at EEA (School of Arabic Studies) Granada has provided an essential service in support of research carried out at the school. It is responsible for managing and facilitating access to the specialized information resources required by researchers to carry out their work. As a member of the CSIC Network of Libraries and Archives, the library at the EEA has also become a point of service for all other libraries within the network, while benefiting at the same time from the resources and collections held by other network libraries.

The library can also be used by users that do not belong to the CSIC community to carry out research activities in other areas, such as teaching or in academic and professional fields.

It also actively collaborates in the dissemination of the results of scientific research, through its Digital.CSIC Delegated Archive service and in the organisation of cultural activities and bibliographic exhibitions. Similarly, it carries out dissemination work through web 2.0. Social Networks


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The nature and subject matter of its collections is directly related to the teaching and research lines of the Institute, which revolve around Arab and Islamic studies with special attention to al-Andalus. They consist of printed and electronic books and journals, manuscripts, graphic material, media and archive documentation.

They are made up of  24,501 volumes, including the most famous Arab historical sources and an important collection of reference composed of encyclopedias and dictionaries, catalogs of manuscripts, guides, and Arabic biographical dictionaries. Also notable is its periodicals collection with 430 printed scientific journals.

The old books collection is composed of aproximately 1,833 works published between 1505 and 1920. Some of them are very representative of Orientalism and Arabism of the early days.

galeria biblioteca imagen37Manuscripts: 130 handwritten Arabic works in 75 items, among which it is worth highlighting the Treatise of Agriculture by Ibn Luyūn, composed in Almería in 1348; 1 miscellaneous codex in Hebrew with 9 titles and 31 Arabic documents from Granada and Morocco.

The provenance of these works is varied:
– A part comes from the University of Granada, of which the School of Arab Studies was annexed between 1932-1939, running its library as a section of the General University. (See Fundamental Law of January 27, 1932).
– Purchase or donation of eminent arabists and individuals: Francisco Javier Simonet (1829-1897, Mariano Gaspar Remiro (1868-1925), Francisco Guillén Robles (1846-1926).
– Commercial suppliers.
– Transfer of researchers from the EEA.

The collection is completed by administrative and scientific archive documentation that the institution has generated in the form of texts, photographs and graphic background since its foundation, in 1932, until the beginning of the eighties.

The most of the manuscripts and a part of the old printed collection and of the archive documentation has been digitized and is accessible through Manuscripta.CSIC and Simurg. CSIC Digitized Collection.

Electronic resources (e-journals, e-books or databases): library users can access from the CSIC Virtual Library the databases, periodical publications and electronic book collections of the most important scientific publishers, acquired centrally for the entire network by the Scientific Information Resources Unit for Research (URICI, CSIC).


Publications about the Library:

La Escuela de Estudios Árabes y su Biblioteca en el programa “75 minutos” de Canal Sur TV

La Biblioteca-Archivo de la Escuela de Estudios Árabes, un servicio con proyección cultural y educativa

Piezas singulares en la Red de Bibliotecas y Archivos del CSIC: el Tratado de Agricultura de Ibn Luyun

El Arabismo práctico: aspectos interculturales en las actividades de la Escuela de Estudios Árabes, 1932-1956

Una Biblioteca para la Investigación en Estudios Árabes (Enredadera, nº 30, diciembre 2017)

16 marzo 2020: Cuando se acabó la normalidad. Diario de una biblioteca confinada

Fotografías del Archivo de la Escuela de Estudios Árabes: 1886-1950

Cultura científica en la Biblioteca-Archivo de la Escuela de Estudios Árabes (EEA-CSIC)

La Biblioteca de la Escuela de Estudios Árabes y sus manuscritos

La colección de manuscritos de la Escuela de Estudios Árabes. Obras des

Annual repports:





2023 [in preparation]

Also available in - También disponible en Spanish (Español)

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