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Library News

Corpus Christi festivities schedule

The week from May 31 to June 4, the Corpus Christi festivities are celebrated in Granada. The library hours will be as follows: May...   Leer más

Horario 11 de mayo

El martes 11 de mayo el horario de atención a usuarios será de 8.30 a 14.30. No hay jornada presencial por la tarde.

Available Annual Report 2020

Ya está disponible la Memoria con los hechos y datos relevantes de 2020 Enlace

We celebrate the International Day of Monuments and Sites 2021

La Biblioteca de la Escuela de Estudios Árabes (CSIC) se une a las actividades para celebrar el 18 de abril. Día Internacional de los...   Leer más

We celebrate Book Day 2021

Retomamos el tema del audiovisual La Casa recuperada, presentado en el Día Internacional de los Monumentos y los Sitios, con varios materiales complementarios sobre...   Leer más

Special Library service hours on Christmas 2020

December 24 to January 8 Monday to Friday 8.30 AM-14.30 PM Closed in the afternoon Special hours during holidays and vacations: they will be...   Leer más

News Bulletin n. 82. January-June 2018

News Bulletin n. 82 with the books received at the Library between January and June 2018 Link to the newsletter

CSIC Libraries and archives users satisfaction survey 2018

CSIC Libraries and archives users satisfaction survey 2018 Do you use the CSIC libraries? We ask your collaboration to respond to the survey that...   Leer más

New number of Enredadera, the magazine of the Network of Libraries and Archives of the CSIC

We inform you that number 31 of the magazine of the Network of Libraries and Archives of the CSIC, ENREDADERA, is now available at...   Leer más

Happy International Archives Day 2018

Committed to archival heritage Thanks to a growing awareness on the part of the scientific community and the commitment of the professionals in charge...   Leer más

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